Fitness Walking Exercise Program
Give the Gift of Fitness for Yourself and
your loved ones!
32-Minutes to Greater Fitness and Health
You know you need to get in shape. You want to look good and feel great physically and mentally. The problem is that you're not sure how to design an effective fitness routine.
In the past, you were "turned off" by:
Working out at a gym in front of other people, especially when you did not look and feel your best.
The gym staff constantly pushed you to sign up for expensive personal training sessions.
Or, worse:
You wasted time getting to and from the gym to perform workouts that were so far above your fitness level that you got injured and couldn't work out for weeks afterward.
But, they still charged you for the gym membership you could not use.
If you're sick and tired of struggling, I've got your solution. This unique program was designed with you in mind and targets your body and your mindset to propel you towards greater health and fitness!
Fitness walking exercise Programs Benefits:
Quick efficient workout - Just 32-minutes
Tone your muscles and build overall strength
Develop a calmer, more creative mindset
No gym membership
Work out on your schedule
Easy to do today, tomorrow and for years to come
Hosted on the Teachable Educational platform - Lifetime access!
Did You Know: Starting after age 30, people can lose 3-5% of their muscle mass per decade.
Without regular exercise, the muscles slowly begin to deteriorate in quality and strength through a process known as sarcopenia. A solution to this dilemma is to ensure you are building an adequate balance of strength-training in with your cardio routine.
the Fitness Walking Exercise Program is hosted on the Teachable Creators Platform:
Easy Access from any device.
5 New Video Lessons.
7 Audio files to guide your workout.
Fitness Walking Program 70-page booklet.
10 great bonus content downloads including the audiobook version of my first 3 of walking books ($105 Value)
Secure payment process
Lifetime access to the program
Risk Free 14-Day Money Back Guarantee!
Let me tell you that I was just like you.
Frank S. Ring - Author
Hi, I'm Frank Ring, the author of Walking for Health and Fitness: The easiest way to get in shape and stay in shape. I followed that book with my subsequent two releases, Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises and Walking Inspiration: A 12-month Plan to Inspire your Health and Fitness.
I severely injured my back five years ago when I herniated a disc through misuse and overuse. Specifically, trail running and weightlifting damaged my disc, and I was nearly facing surgery.
I was out of work for four long months, during which my orthopedic doctor said, "No activity at all. Rest and recover, so I don't have to operate on you."
At that same time, my mother was in the final months of her losing battle with pancreatic cancer.
After her death, I was both physically and emotionally injured.
I needed to clear my head and get my body back in shape. I was an athlete my whole life, and leading up to the injury I was a runner in the middle of an epic "virtual run" around the United States.
Injury and grief led to me being unmotivated. Several months after mom's death and the end of my back pain, I did not have the interest to get into shape.
Quite frankly, I lacked desire, and I was afraid.
The combination of pain and grief dampened my motivation and made me fearful of getting injured again. Was I depressed? Well, let me ask you. If you're in a state of depression, do you know it? During that dark time, I may have been.
I will say that my mindset was pessimistic about my future. I was a relatively young man, and I had just dealt with a life-altering injury and a long period of pain and inactivity.
My mind went back to the previous seven months and the hours spent just lying on the floor and just being able to mindlessly watching TV, hoping to find just a little relief from the back pain.
The pain led to the downward spiral of my life. First, the pain forced me out of work; then, it led to a lack of social interaction as the simple act of visiting friends and relatives or sitting in a coffee shop or restaurant caused severe pain and misery.
Just 32-Minutes to Greater Fitness and Health…continue reading
My Life Altering Incident
I found myself in the hospital only three months after my third epidural to end my back pain and my mother's passing.
My back locked up on me. I aggravated my lower back in the morning when I bent over to put my shoes on. I spent the next few hours at work trying to loosen it up with various stretches. Stretching sore, cold muscles was a big mistake.
I'm a high school teacher, so I didn't want to leave work early, which can cause headaches to the administration as they have to scramble to cover my remaining classes.
By early afternoon, I had been on my feet for nearly 5 hours because if feared sitting would cause more pain. After eating my lunch (while standing up), I leaned forward with my hands on my desk to try and get some pain relief. I couldn't stand up straight after that. I could hardly move—any attempt to sit or walk caused severe pain. The pain made my back and legs lock tight. I was helpless!
My only salvation was when my students noticed my distress and helped me to lay down and find some relief on a classroom table.
To make a long story short, because I could not get off that table and walk to my car, the school nurse called an ambulance, and I was transported, in agony, to the hospital.
After four hours of being treated with the maximum amount of anti-inflammatory drug injections and pain medication, I was finally able to shuffle out of the hospital slowly. Thankfully that pain went away within a few days.
But, that painful experience was life-changing!
I vowed never again to put myself in a position of helplessness.
I needed a solution to my inactivity. To the point, I needed to find a way to get in shape without re-injuring my body.
Now, I've made it my life's mission to teach others about the fantastic benefits you can get by going out on a walk and how you can easily enhance your walk with my Program.
Now I post walking and fitness articles on my website, I've created over 140 walking and fitness videos on my YouTube channel, I’ve started the Walking for Health and Fitness Podcast, and I've appeared as a guest on several podcasts.
My Solution May Be Your Solution
My solution to inactivity and my recovery from back pain, grief , and lack of motivation may be the answer to a problem you are facing in your life.
I started walking to get my back, legs, body, and mind into shape.
It was simple. I was in no shape to start running again, but I needed to get my body moving. I figured that if I could walk a few days in a row without pain, then I'd be healthy enough to run for a minute, walk for a minute and do a walk/run workout.
As the saying goes, "the best-laid plans sometimes go awry."
Miraculously, it's in these times of uncertainty that we unexpectedly find a pathway to our future and discover our passion.
I fell in love with walking!
Simply put, I looked forward all day long to my walking time:
My time to be outdoors
My time to feel my body freely moving again
My time to do a fitness routine that worked my whole body
My new fitness walking routine worked for me and will WORK FOR YOU:
A quick, effective and practical way to work your whole body
A combination of exercises that reduced the risk of injury to nearly zero
A sense of wellbeing as you work your muscles in a new way
The feeling of being strong and physically powerful
You’ll be more creative, optimistic, and happier through walking and my fitness routine!
Your walking time will add a sense of wellness, calm, and inner peace.
““When you quiet the mind, you can enter into a world of clarity, peace, and understanding.””
I had the "AH" moment in my life. In other words, I found that my "WHY" in life is to teach others about all the health, fitness, emotional, and spiritual benefits of walking.
Just 32-Minutes to Greater Fitness and Health…continue reading
I now make teaching about walking my life's mission.
I've transformed my health (physically, emotionally, spiritually, and creatively) and fitness through walking, and I can help you do the same to find your "why" and get fitter and healthier quickly.
All my time walking led me to think about an effective way to help others experience the joy I found in walking. All the time spent on the road led me to discover all I loved about walking, and I used my walking time to create this unique walking program to help you.
Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises Program
At first, my walking time allowed my body and mind to heal; then, I needed to up my body strength.
After the back injury, partly caused by lifting free weights improperly, I was afraid to lift weights again for fear of reinjury. What I began doing is now the basis of my walking program.
I call this the Fitness Walking Exercise Program because you will combine what I termed as my Core-four of bodyweight exercises:
You can perform all four at any time and in most places during your walk. Just stop walking, perform a set of an exercise, then continue walking.
Here's why this walking program is unique; you will be walking as you listen to me encourage you with positive affirmations and a structured workout!
I'll guide you through the 32-minute workout. Every 4-minutes, you will perform another set of exercises. I’ve made doing a fitness routine easy for you. Just walk, listen, exercise… and feel great!
In total, you'll walk and do four exercises, eight sets, 32-minutes, a 3-minute cool-down, and you're done!
This program will benefit both beginner and experienced exercise enthusiast alike.
Benefits of the Fitness Walking Exercise Program
Download the audio-track to your smartphone
Work out on your schedule
There are only four bodyweight exercises you need to do
32 minutes to complete – quick and to the point
Inexpensive… It cost less than 1 month of a gym membership
Motivation while you walk
Affirmations while you walk
Build muscle strength
Lose weight
Develop a positive mindset
The Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercise Program puts you in control of your health and fitness, and was designed for the beginner and experienced walker!
The Fitness Walking Exercise program includes the following files:
Let me to explain how each part will benefit you.
5 New Video’s:
6 Audio Tracks:
1. Introduction to Fitness Walking (3:55) How to get the most from this program. Listen as I explain the benefits of fitness walking and bodyweight exercise program to save you time and money.
2. The warm-up (7:20) The warm-up does just that, get your muscles and joints warmed up and ready to move. Walking is a low-impact fitness activity. This audio track is a great way to transition from inactivity (you may have just sat all day at work) to getting active. I will guide you through a 7-minute warm-up. All movements are easy to perform, and the included booklet shows you pictures of me performing each in proper form. Warming up with these gentle movements will significantly increase your sense of wellbeing.
3. The Fitness Walking Exercise Session with Affirmations and Music (35:43) This audio track will guide you through the workout with upbeat music and positive affirmations to boost your mood and energy level. I designed this track to get you moving quickly and stopping every 4 minutes to perform a set of bodyweight exercises. You will eventually work yourself up to doing each exercise for 45-seconds.
You'll save time by getting your workout done in 35-minutes, and you'll get fitter and stronger quickly.
You'll save money on the high cost of a gym membership.
You'll save even more money on the high care costs of health care and physical therapy by staying injury-free.
4. The Fitness Walking Exercise Session -Music and guidance only – No Affirmations. (35:43)
5. The Cool-down (4:55) Gentle exercise will help slow down your heart rate, stretch your muscles, and enjoy the afterglow of a great workout.
6. Thank You! (1:02) A final message from me, Frank S. Ring
Fitness Walking Exercise Program Supplemental Guide: This .pdf book contains image of all the Core-four fitness movements and variations of each movement to help you add variety to your workout. Also includes images of the warm-up, cool-down, and stretching movements. Lastly, more walking information is presented to give you a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of walking.
Congratulations on taking control of your health and fitness!
Wait… Continue reading for more bonus features included in this program
My Fitness Walking Exercise Program is now hosted on the educational platform!
Benefits of Hosting this program on Teachable:
Personalized Unique Login
Lifetime access to the program
Safe and secure payment system
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
The 32-minutes fitness session is efficient
Walk and Exercise at your convenience
The 4 body-weight fitness exercises target your whole body for a complete workout in the least amount of time
Walking is a low impact fitness exercise all but eliminates the risk of injury
Walking to music quickens your pace
Affirmations throughout the session have a positive effect on your mindset.
Your improved mindset about getting in shape will have you looking forward to each session.
Mitochondria the “Powerhouse” of Your Cells
By exercising multiple muscles groups simultaneously, you also burn more calories (which means you lose weight faster…if you want to lose weight).
HIIT training allows you to activate more muscles in less time—sometimes as little as 15 or 20 minutes.
Eliminates the need for gym memberships and working out with strangers.
Lower your health care costs
Enjoy a greater sense of wellbeing
You are in total control of your workouts.
Here are just some of the great thinkers of all time who used walking to improve their work output:
William Wordsworth
Charles Dickens
Henry David Thoreau
John Muir
Patrick Leigh Fermor
Soren Kierkegaard
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Apple founder Steve Jobs was famous for his walking meetings
Who is Frank S. Ring
As I stated earlier, I'm Frank S. Ring:
My first book, Walking for Health and Fitness: The Easiest Way to Get in Shape and Stay in Shape, is being used as a coursebook for a movement course at the University of Indiana.
My second book, Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises: Supercharge Your Fitness, Build Body Strength, and Live Longer, explains the benefits of performing bodyweight exercises while you walk.
My third book Walking Inspiration: A 12-Month Plan to Inspire Your Health and Fitness has twelve-monthly topics to inspire your mindset as you walk. The January chapter is titled, "What's Your Why?". This question got me started on my quest to teach others about walking.
I've created over 95 walking videos for my Walking for Health and Fitness YouTube Channel.
I've appeared on podcasts such as the Know-Like-Trust podcast. The Internet radio show "Chat and Spin" with Ron Clark. I'm awaiting the release of my appearance on the Yeukai Business Show, which is the #3 business podcast in England, ranking just behind the BBC business show.
I've also designed a walking fitness booklet and Walking Program for the California Lawyers Association's August 2021 Virtual Walk Challenge up the Coastline of California
Exercise and Affirmations - a Powerful 1-2 Combination
Developing a positive mindset is one of the most potent and transformative habits you can include in your daily routine. Listening to affirmations while you are walking will supercharge the effects of the affirmations.
Physical activity stresses our brain in the same way that it stresses our muscles. Like active muscle fibers, neurons of the brain break down then recover to become stronger and more resilient with exercise.
It's an essential part of your overall health and wellbeing and one that we will work on together to transform your life and fill you with new passion, energy, and joy!
Developing a positive mindset is an essential element of your life's success.
Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation. "I am healthy, happy, and radiant!" is an example. It's a positive statement that describes your desire to be a healthy, happy, and radiant person.
Positive affirmations help your internal dialog create a new vision of yourself and your life.
The affirmations repeat several times so your subconscious mind can spring into action. Repetition is the key to reinforcing the learning and embedding the new thought into your mind.
Accomplished people in all walks of life use affirmations and other powerful positive thinking techniques to help them achieve their goals. The mind and its thoughts are a powerful force that, when used positively, can help you achieve whatever you set out to accomplish.
Your subconscious mind accepts as accurate whatever you say to yourself.
Whether you think you can do something or not, you are correct!
The words you tell yourself work to create or destroy your dreams. We're often not even fully aware of the comments and statements that play in our minds or their impact on what we wish to create.
Positive affirmations work on programming your mind:
Affirmations keep your mind focused and influence and activate the power of your subconscious mind.
Affirmations are positive statements that help you change how you think and act.
Affirmations make you feel more positive and energized. They help you to reflect on your true nature.
You can use positive affirmations to your advantage due to the repetition, which helps focus your mind and creates corresponding thoughts or images in your mind.
Your subconscious mind accepts the thought or image as valid and will continue nurturing and growing this thought.
Listening to positive affirmations consciously and intently will help you transform your habits, behaviors, and attitude and have a dramatic effect on your quality of life.
In a word, walking is PLEASURABLE.
Over time, you will come to feel a sense of PRIDE in your ability to walk for longer distances. Every time you walk a little more than your last long walk, you will feel like a champion.
NBA great Michael Jordan is famous for his work ethic. Michael said he never had to be better than anyone else, only better than himself each day.
““My father used to say that it’s never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, ‘You never know what you can accomplish until you try.” ”
Affirmations Fuel Your Mindset
Listening to positive affirmations consciously and intently will help you to transform your habits, your behaviors, your attitude and have a dramatic effect on your quality of life.
The affirmations in the Walking for Health and Fitness - Fitness Walking Exercise Program were selected to assist you in getting the most out of your walking time.
The combination of positive statements and fitness exercises every 4-minutes as you walk will turn the 35-minute walk into a body shaping experience. You will feel refreshed and ready to face any challenge that comes your way.
Results from listening to the affirmations will vary depending on several factors such as the amount of time, focus, faith, and energy you invest in listening to the audio track.
Focus on the positive feeling you get while walking and listening. You will soon begin to notice a shift in your energy levels and experience generally good feelings.
Testimonial: How the Fitness Walking Exercise Program has impacted lives
the cost of most preventable diseases is staggering.
Doctor’s visits, prescriptions, lost time at work, and the lost quality of life due to preventable illness all add up to a significant sum of time and money.
Perfect for beginners
Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercise Program was designed for both the beginner and experienced walker.
I’m sharing this with you because studies published in both the Journal of the American Heart Association and The Lancet concluded that a person who exercises five times per week paid $2,500 less in annual health care expenses related to heart disease than someone who did not walk or otherwise move for 30 minutes per day, five times per week!
Before I share the price, let me remind you that walking has made an enormous difference in how healthy I feel physically and emotionally.
Also, remember my "why" is to help others get the most benefit from walking.
My goal is that this Program gets you in shape quickly and efficiently and brings you the joy of a healthy mind and body.
I need to offer even greater value to his product to show how serious I am about teaching about walking's physical, emotional, spiritual, and creative benefits
Let me add some bonus content to this excellent walking package before revealing the price.
BONUSES: $105 Value
BONUS #1: Audiobook Version of the Fitness Walking Exercise Supplemental Guide: This is a Win-Win situation. You walk and learn at the same time. $15 Value
BONUS #2: Track Your Progress Worksheet: Having a record of your walking miles and fitness sets completed will motivate you to get you out the door and put in those extra steps and reps. $5 Value
BONUS #3: 10 Tips to Perfect Your Walking Form: Better form makes for easier walking $10 Value
BONUS #4: 40 Inspirational Walking Quotes: I've found the best quotes about walking and put them together in a pdf file so you can print out and display your favorite quotes that motivate you the most. $15 Value
BONUS #5: The Power of Your Breath: A 15-Minute Guided Breathing Health Track $15 Value
Last Minute Added Bonuses: I'm a big fan of listening to audiobooks when I walk. I'm going to include the audiobook versions of all my walking books to keep you walking and learning about the benefits of this fantastic fitness exercise.
Extra Value Bonuses: All three of my Audiobooks $45 Value… FREE
BONUS #6 Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercise Audiobook… $15 Value
BONUS #7 Walking for Health and Fitness Audiobook… $15 Value
BONUS #8 Walking Inspiration Audiobook… $15 Value
My Final Bonus:
Let me give you more great walking information to make your next walk your best walk!
BONUS #10: Access to my exclusive Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercise Program web page…$ Invaluable Bonus Information!
Today, I'm offering this extraordinary Fitness Walking Exercise Program and 10 bonus content files for just $47.
You may be asking why I would charge so little for so much content?
It's a simple explanation. My life's mission is to help people get into better physical and emotional shape. I turned to walking to help me recover through my time of crisis. I distilled what worked for me into a quick and effective 32-minute workout.
My Program will save you time and money on your way to good health and fitness.
Your destiny is shaped in your moments of decision.
My Biggest Mistake
Let me tell you the mistake I made in 2016 that cost me an enormous amount of time and money by having to take a medical leave of absence from work and caused me a diminished quality of life.
I was a runner and lifted weights to improve my running performance, but all the miles I ran on uneven, rocky trails took its toll on my back and knees. Also, lifting improperly literally had me reeling on the ground.
Several months of physical therapy did little to alleviate the back pain. Lack of sleep caused me to be more irritable to my loved ones. I miss social engagements because I had difficulty sitting for any length of time.
The dreaded diagnosis finally came in… Herniated disk.
“I’m in agony, out of work and now I have to wait 3 weeks to get relief.
Of course, the first visit was just a consultation! ”
The doctor ordered me to stop all forms of Physical therapy and get into a pain management clinic.
Now, if you’ve ever had to go to a specialist for this type of procedure, you’ll know what’s coming next…
I called for an appointment and they said… “we can see you in…3 weeks.”
I’m in agony, out of work and now I have to wait 3 weeks to get relief. Of course, the first visit was just a consultation!
I had to wait even longer for the actual treatment.
It gets worse… I needed 3 epidurals spaced out over several weeks to finally stop the pain!
After missing a total of 4 months of work, I vowed to never, ever be injured again.
I was too afraid to lift and run right away so what was I to do?
Does this sound familiar? Are you making the same mistake?
While I’m an educator by profession, I’d never written a book or created any type of fitness program before my injury and recovery, but because I’m am passionate about maintaining my health and fitness, I needed to share why I’ve created the Fitness Walking Exercise Program.
My Salvation!
I began walking! I figured that if I could just get my moving again, then I’ll transition back to running.
Good game plan I figured…
BUT, I discovered the best thing ever; I began to enjoy walking!
The Big Revelation
I looked back on my running mileage training logs and added up the number of injuries I had as a runner and was floored at how often I had been hurt!
Since walking exclusively, injuries have been a thing of the past!
Just last week I looked back on my walking logs for the past 2 1/2 years and, at first marveled at how healthy I had been, then laughed at the two times I was injured. Once I badly stubbed my toe getting out of bed (but didn’t miss a walk!) and the other time, I had squatted down to help a student with a problem on the computer (I’m a high school teacher) and had squatted for much longer than I should have and cause a pain in my right knee that stayed with me for 2 weeks. Nagging pain lingers a lot longer the older I get.
That’s it… since walking my downtime had nothing to do with the activity of walking.
I’ve been a major proponent of walking ever since and now I want to assist you in getting into shape and staying in shape!
“Getting Into Shape is Expensive and Time-Consuming… Or Is It?”
If the Fitness Walking Exercise Program saves you from making just one trip to the doctor this year, it would more than pay for the cost of the program.
You probably have an out of pocket co-pay that costs more than this program.
The Fitness Walking Exercise session takes just 35-minutes per day to complete.
Walking is a low impact fitness exercise.
Walking is a natural movement that all but eliminates the risk of injury
You will complete a 45-second mini-fitness session every 4 minutes for a total of 32 minutes followed by a cool-down!
The exercises are bodyweight movements so there is a near-zero risk of injury.
Upbeat music gets you pumped to walk
Affirmations throughout the session will have you in feeling positive, focused, and motivated.
Your improved mindset about getting in shape will have you looking forward to each session.
The four fitness movements exercise your whole body.
The Fitness Walking Exercise Program combines the rhythmic natural motion of walking with affirmations and fitness movements in a HIIT workout. The gentle nature of walking will keep you injury free while the pushups, squats, lunges, and shoulder planks work your entire body for a supercharged workout. Combining fitness with affirmations will have you listening to this audio program again and again.
Benefits of the Fitness Walking Exercise Program:
Get coached while you walk
Get motivated while you walk
Improve your fitness while you walk
Develop a positive mindset while you walk!
Walking and Weight Loss
Regular walking offers many health benefits, including weight loss. It is also one of the easiest and most cost-effective forms of exercise YOU CAN DO.
Doctors widely agree that inactivity is a potential cause for many preventable conditions, such as heart disease and obesity.
For example, a study in the Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry showed the positive effects that walking could have on burning fat and reducing waist circumference in obese females.
The women walked between 50-70 minutes 3 days per week for a total of 12 weeks. After the study, they found that the study participants lost an average of 1.5% body fat and 1.1 inches around their waists.
By following the Fitness Walking Exercise Program, which adds the bodyweight fitness exercises of pushups, squats, planks, and lunges you will increase the calorie and fat burn rate in a shorter amount of time... 35 minutes to success!
Take Total Control of Your Fitness
Walking takes you into the fresh air and allows you control of where you exercise and when you exercise.
The Fitness Walking Exercise Program saves you time and money!
Eliminates the high cost of a gym membership and the expense of workout clothing.
You save time by not having to travel to and from the gym.
Lastly, you stop working out with strangers at a time when you feel the least comfortable with your physical conditioning.
Make the Mind-Body Connection
You have an extraordinary mind. As the poet John Milton writes in Paradise Lost, “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell and a hell of heaven.”
Benefits of Walking
Reduce stress
Ward off anxiety and feelings of depression
Boost self-esteem
Improve sleep
How does walking do all this?
Endorphins, Endorphins, Endorphins!
The body produces endorphins in response to prolonged, continuous exercise.
So why is this so important?
Endorphins are natural pain and stress fighters. Endorphins are brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which transmit electrical signals within the nervous system.
Stress and pain are leading factors in the release of endorphins
Endorphins interact with the opiate receptors in the brain to reduce the perception of pain.
Endorphins act similarly to drugs such as morphine and codeine BUT without the addiction or dependence. So, endorphins are released to decrease the feeling of pain.
The Secretion of Endorphins Leads to:
Feeling of euphoria
Modulation of appetite
The release of sex hormones
Enhancement of the immune response
All these benefits just from exercising! And, walking is our exercise of choice!
The Secret Ingredient
You’ll do only bodyweight exercises which greatly reduce the risk of injury. Tone your arms, legs, abs, back, and shoulders with very little risk of injury by doing:
· Pushups
· Squats
· Shoulder Planks
· Lunges
Walking reduces the risk of:
Heart disease
Alzheimer’s and other dementias
More Benefits of Walking
Increases your metabolism leading to weight loss
Improves Circulation
Improves back pain
Stops loss of bone mass
Lightens your mood
Strengthens muscles
Improves sleep
Improve your mindset
Supports your joints
Improve your breathing
Slows mental decline
Lowers your risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Leads to a longer life
Walking is by far the easiest and most effective way to take care of your health. A daily 35-minute walk will improve your cardiovascular health, reduce excess body fat, strengthen bones, and enhance muscle performance!
For people who may be predisposed to certain health conditions, walking can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, back issues, Alzheimer’s disease, and other dementias.
Walking is also an antidote for being overweight and obese. These conditions are known to increase blood pressure, and high blood pressure is the leading cause of strokes.
Excess weight also increases your chances of developing other problems linked to strokes, including high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and heart disease.
Benefits of Strength Training
An Effective strength training regimen promotes the release of vital “youth” hormones:
Testosterone (for men)
Estradiol and Estrogen (for women)
Strength training helps prevent the loss of muscular strength known to accompany aging.
When I say “strength training” I don’t mean heading to the gym and using stationary machines either.
Are You Ready to see why?
Activate As Many Muscles as Possible
Complete activation of mitochondria at a level that can impact gaining processes can only happen with total activation of multiple muscle groups.
By exercising multiple muscles groups simultaneously, you also burn more calories (which means you lose weight faster…if you want to lose weight).
One of the best ways to activate as many muscles as possible (in as little time as possible) is to incorporate a “HIIT” or “High-Intensity Interval Training” routine into your schedule.
HIIT training allows you to activate more muscles in less time—sometimes as little as 15 or 20 minutes.
Forget Cardio – Stick to “HIIT”
Have you heard of “HIIT”— High-Intensity Interval Training — if you haven’t, it’s time to learn more.
It’s a simple concept to implement with the Fitness Walking Exercise Program. Every 4-minutes, you will perform 40 seconds of a fitness exercise… that’s it!
In your 35 minute walk you will perform 8 fitness exercise sets and end with a 3-minute cool-down.
You control the intensity of the 40-second set and as your fitness level increases, the intensity of the 40-second fitness set will naturally increase.
You are in total control!
The HIIT exercises allow you to activate more muscles during your workouts, burn more calories while you work out, and keep burning calories (and activating your cells’ mitochondria) after you’re done working out.
Just HIIT workouts alone burn about 15% more calories when compared to boring cardio or other types of steady-state workouts.
Cardio is good for you—and it can keep you looking and feeling young—but it’s nowhere near as effective as High-Intensity Interval Training.
The Fitness Walking Exercise Program was designed to have you do at 40 seconds of a fitness movement within every 4-minute interval!
This training is designed to get you in shape by pushing your body a little at a time. My goal is that you enjoy the Fitness Walking Exercise Program today, tomorrow, and well into the future.
Walking speed is a powerful indicator of vitality:
Walking speed studies shows that an older person’s pace, along with their age and gender, can predict their life expectancy just as well as the complex battery of other health indicators, such as blood pressure, body mass index, chronic conditions, and smoking history.
The analysis published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), found that walking speed turned out to be a consistent predictor of survival length across age, race, and height categories, but it was especially useful in zeroing in on life expectancy for those who still live and get around independently as well as those older than 75.
Combining walking, music, affirmations, and fitness exercises will supercharge your walk, burn more calories, increase your muscle mass, and help you walk faster!
The Benefits of Affirmations: Developing a Positive Mindset
Why Affirmations Work
You’re awesome! But sometimes life has a way of causing you to forget this. Work, family commitments, and all the running around we do each day; sometimes you get taken for granted. Not here and not by me.
So, let me repeat, You’re Awesome! But you don’t need me telling you that, you need to tell yourself that.
Exercise and Affirmations
Developing a positive mindset is one of the most powerful and transformative habits you can include in your daily routine. Listening to affirmations while you are walking will supercharge the effects of the affirmations.
Physical activity stresses our brain in the same way that it stresses our muscles. Like active muscle fibers, neurons of the brain break down then recover to become stronger and more resilient with exercise.
It’s an essential part of your overall health and well-being, and one that we will work on together to transform your life and fill you with new passion, energy, and joy!
Developing a positive mindset is an important element of your life success.
Affirmations are simply positive statements that describe a desired situation. “I am healthy, happy, and radiant!” is an example. It’s a positive statement that describes your desire to be a healthy, happy, and radiant person.
Positive affirmations help your internal dialog to create a new vision you have of yourself and your life.
Affirmations are repeated several times so the subconscious mind can spring into action. Repetition is the key to reinforcing the learning and embedding the new thought into your mind.
Accomplished people in all walks of life use affirmations along with other powerful positive thinking techniques to help them achieve their goals. The mind and its thoughts are a powerful force that, when used positively, can help you achieve whatever you set out to accomplish.
Your subconscious mind accepts as true whatever you say to yourself.
Whether you think you can do something or not, you are correct!
The words you tell yourself work to create or destroy your dreams. Many times we’re not even fully aware of the words and statements that play in our minds or the impact they’re having on what we wish to create.
Your subconscious mind accepts as true whatever you say to yourself.
Positive affirmations work to program your mind:
Affirmations keep your mind focused and influence and activate the power of your subconscious mind.
Affirmations are positive statements which help you change the way you think and act.
Affirmations make you feel more positive and energized. They help you to reflect your true nature.
You can use positive affirmations to your advantage due to the repetition which helps focus your mind and creates corresponding thoughts or images in your mind.
Your subconscious mind accepts the thought or image as being true and will continue to nurture and grow this thought.
Listening to positive affirmations consciously and intently will help you to transform your habits, your behaviors, your attitude and have a dramatic effect on your quality of life.
The affirmations in the Walking for Health and Fitness - Fitness Walking Exercise Program were selected to assist you in getting the most out of your walking time.
The combination of positive statements and fitness exercises every 4-minutes as you walk will turn the 35-minute walk into a body shaping experience. You will feel refreshed and ready to face any challenge that comes your way.
Results from listening to the affirmations will vary depending on several factors such as the amount of time, focus, faith, and energy you invest in listening to the audio track.
Focus on the positive feeling you get while walking and listening. You will soon begin to notice a shift in your energy levels and experience generally good feelings.
Walking + 4 Bodyweight Exercises + 32 Minutes = Healthy and Fit YOU!
Included in the Fitness Walking Exercise Program:
6 Walking Program Audio Tracks:
Introduction to Fitness Walking (3:55)
The warm-up (7:20)
The Fitness Walking Exercise Session with Affirmations and Music (35:43)
The Fitness Walking Exercise Session -Music only (35:43)
The Cool-down (4:55)
Thank You! (1:02)
Sync your mind, body, and breath to the words and music.
I’ve included so much walking information as BONUS CONTENT to give you the very best walking experience! Walking for Health and Fitness has never been this easy and informative.
70-page Fitness Walking Exercise Program Booklet
70-Page Fitness Walking Booklet
The information packed booklet will give you a quick overview of the Fitness Walking Exercise Program. Get started on the right foot with images of the fitness movements, variations of each exercise, and practical advice designed for the beginner and experienced walker.
What Exactly is Fitness Walking?
How to Get the Most Out of This Program
The Fitness Walking Program Audio Tracks
More Benefits of Walking
The Benefits of Affirmations: Developing a Positive Mindset
How Physical Activity Improves Brain Power
Ways to Stay Motivated
Supercharge Your Walking
Safety First!
Weather Considerations for Walking
29 Things to Do While Walking
Getting Out the Door Checklist
Audiobook version of the Fitness Walking Exercise Program Booklet …
$15 Value
Listen to the 70-page Fitness walking booklet audiobook version anytime…
At work, rest, or play…
the ultimate in multi-tasking!
Fitness Walking Track Your Progress Worksheet
Having a visual reminder of your progress will keep you walking and exercising more and more!
10 Tips to Perfect Your Walking Form
40 Inspirational Walking Quotes
I've found the best quotes about walking and put them together in a pdf file so you can print out and display your favorite quotes that motivate you the most.
Positive inspirational quotes lessen the impact of a negative experience.
A go-to quote can give you that needed lift.
You are not alone:
Inspiration quotes remind us that the thoughts we have are a common experience felt throughout the ages.
Audiobook Versions of my 3 Walking books… $45 Value
Walking and audiobooks go hand-in-hand. You are out walking in the fresh air, getting in a great exercise groove, and your mind is free to fully comprehend the information coming into your ears.
Listening to a good audiobook will also push you to walk more. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said I’ll walk for just one more chapter. The added walking time really adds to my mileage total.
Enjoy my 3 walking books in audiobook version and watch your walking milage increase day by day.
Access to my exclusive Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercise Program web page.
I think we can both agree that your best return on investment is ALWAYS on yourself and you can get in much better physical and emotional condition when you understand and apply what I’m teaching with my Fitness Walking Exercise Program.
My point is, you’re going to spend the time and money anyway and we both know this will be time and money WELL spent that will absolutely deliver a return immediately and for years to come.
Get started on your journey to good health and fitness for just $47 by clicking the “Buy Now!” button.
The Fountain of Youth?
Just like affirmations develop your mindset to activate your subconscious mind to stay focused you need to activate your physical body and fight the aging process.
The secret to staying young?
It’s not a wonder drug, vitamins, or a new diet…
It’s exercise!
Exercise can effectively reduce nearly every single sign of aging.
Visual Signs - things like:
fine lines
age marks
sagging skin
Physical Signs - all the diseases your doctor warns you about:
heart disease
Mitochondria the “Powerhouse” of Your Cells
Recently, scientists at McMaster University looked at the impact of frequent exercise on using lab mice. They found that frequent exercise dramatically increased lifespan by preventing mitochondria from degenerating.
The result? Beyond longer lifespans, an effective exercise routine keeps your cells effectively utilizing energy.
So how do you stimulate your mitochondria to help keep you looking young? Exercise and build muscle mass!
Get in Shape and Stay in Shape the Easy Way!
The 35-minutes fitness session is efficient
Walk and Exercise at your convenience
The 4 body-weight fitness exercises target your whole body for a complete workout in the least amount of time
Walking is a low impact fitness exercise all but eliminates the risk of injury
Walking to music quickens your pace
Affirmations throughout the session have a positive effect on your mindset.
Your improved mindset about getting in shape will have you looking forward to each session.
Mitochondria the “Powerhouse” of Your Cells
By exercising multiple muscles groups simultaneously, you also burn more calories (which means you lose weight faster…if you want to lose weight).
HIIT training allows you to activate more muscles in less time—sometimes as little as 15 or 20 minutes.
Eliminates the need for gym memberships and working out with strangers.
Lower your health care costs
Enjoy a greater sense of wellbeing
You are in total control of your workouts.
The Fitness Walking Exercise Program Includes:
Introduction to Fitness Walking (3:55)
The warm-up (7:20)
The Fitness Walking Exercise Session with Affirmations (35:43)
The Fitness Walking Exercise Session -Music only (35:43)
The Cool-down (4:55)
Thank You! (1:02)
Fitness Walking Track Your Progress Worksheet
Bonus #1: 70-page Fitness Walking Exercise Program Booklet
Bonus #2: Audiobook version of the Fitness Walking Exercise Program Booklet (1:30:18)… $15 Value
Bonus #3: Track Your Progress Worksheet
BONUS #4: 10 Tips to Perfect Your Walking Form
BONUS #5: 40 Inspirational Walking Quotes
BONUS #6 Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercise Audiobook… $15 Value
BONUS #7 Walking for Health and Fitness Audiobook… $15 Value
BONUS #8 Walking Inspiration Audiobook… $15 Value
Bonus #9 : Access to my exclusive Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercise Program web page.
Money-Back Guarantee
The Walking for Health and Fitness - Fitness Walking Program comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.
What will you decide to do right now?
I'll make it easy for you with my 60-day RISK-FREE offer.
In the next 60-days, if you decide that I've not exceeded your expectations, I'll give you a complete refund that is just an email away.
Let me ask you, will you do the same thing you've been doing - only to get the same old results?
Or will you decide to change your results for the better?
If you aren't satisfied, I would not feel right keeping your money, so I've made it easy for you to get a refund. And to be clear, there are no forms to fill out, nothing to prove, and I promise I won't question you.
And, you won't have to wait for the refund. You will receive an immediate credit card refund.
I'm so confident in my Fitness Walking Exercise Program that I won't ask you to return the Program.
It's a Win-Win
You'll be pleased with your improved physical conditioning and optimistic outlook. You'll experience an uptick in creativity and the sense of inner peace and calm, guaranteed.
I'll be pleased to fulfill my mission to help as many people as possible through the power of walking for health and fitness!
If you'll recall, I began my walking for health and fitness journey as a response to my mom's death.
My late mother, Anne, left behind 10 Life Lessons for Living Your Best Life. While her life lessons were never a formal document, they were developed throughout her life as I witnessed how she lived her life and set an example for her children to follow.
Mom's #2 lesson on her life lesson list is to "be right with yourself" (#1 is to be right with God and take care of your spiritual needs).
It would be best if you took care of your emotional and physical needs before taking care of others. You'll have much more to give to them.
Now, you've walked up to the fork in the road:
To the left is the same rough, rocky road you've been traveling.
To the right is the road fewer people will choose.
This road is not more complicated, just different.
Choosing the right road makes all the difference.
Choose the right road and join me today.
It's been my mission and, with all my health and fitness knowledge, my moral obligation to share all I know about the benefits of walking with you.
Act now on this special offer for my Fitness Walking Exercise Program.
Click the Buy Now Button below, then fill in the Order Form. It's that simple.
You will immediately feel the benefits of listening to my Fitness Walking Exercise Session with Affirmations, and your family and friends will see the change in a healthier, happier you!
It’s been said that in your moments of decision your destiny is shaped.
What will you decide to do right now?
I’ll make it easy for you with my 60-day Risk-Free offer.
In the next 60-days, if you decide that I’ve not exceeded your expectations, I’ll give you a complete refund. Just click the contact me button on the menu bar at the top of this page.
Will you do the same thing you’ve been doing - only to get the same old results - or will you decide to change your results for the better.
If you aren’t satisfied, I would not feel right keeping your money, so I’ve made it easy for you to get a refund. And just to be clear, no forms to fill out, nothing to prove and I promise I won’t question you.
And, you won’t have to wait for the refund. You will receive an immediate credit card refund.
In fact, I’m so confident in my Fitness Walking Exercise Program that I won’t ask for the program to be sent back to me!
Download my program, use it RISK-FREE for 60 day. If you don’t like it, then just e-mail me and I’ll give you all your money back. I’m taking a risk by doing this. I can’t make you return the program. I can’t get the files back off your computer when you download this digital product, so you could just order the program, ask for a refund and take advantage of me, but I’m trusting that you’re not going to do that to me.
I’ve explained many great reasons that the Fitness Walking Exercise Program is the “Easiest Way to Get in Shape and Stay in Shape.”
Join those that have made tremendous positive changes in their lives.
Invest in yourself now! You deserve the very best
Walk on,
Frank S. Ring