How would you like a boost to your creativity, mindset, problem-solving ability and develop your Walking Creativity Routine?
In this post and video, I explain how walking will allow you to tap into your best creativity and ideas while walking your way to better health and fitness. Walking and creativity go together to problem-solve, visualize, and motivate you to do your best thinking in a transformational process.
And read to the end for my free bonus download
The following information is from my book Walking Inspiration: A 12-Month Plan to Inspire Your Health and Fitness with 365 Motivational Quotes and More.
Each month features a new topic, how to implement the lesson, and daily inspirational quotes to help you along your journey.
The August topic is Walking and the Transformational Process.
“First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.” -Napoleon Hill
Walking and the Transformational Process
Once you start walking, an amazing process of transformation begins to take place:
The first transformation will be physical as you will begin to feel good! It will begin slowly at first then rather quickly; your body will begin to “feel good!” You will “feel” your body getting into physical condition.
You won’t be sore. You’ll just feel like your muscles have been used. Trust me, you’ll want this feeling to continue. Soon, you will find that your average walking speed has increased as you become more fit.
The second transformation will be your mindset. You’ll begin to think more clearly, you’ll be calmer, and your creativity and problem-solving skills will kick into overdrive.
Special Reader BONUS: Finding Your Why, The Key to Staying Motivated on Your Fitness Journey: BRIDGE THE MOTIVATION GAP TO UNLOCK YOUR PURPOSE with my 4 minute visualization video.
More from Frank:
““You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.” ”
Develop Your Walking Creativity Routine
Try this out; before you go out on your next walk, think of a problem you are having. For example, I open my iPhone and create a new note on my Notes app. I dictate the problem at the top of the page then… I do nothing. I just walk, enjoy my surroundings, enjoy the feeling of motion, and enjoy the sense of accomplishing something.
Then, suddenly, my mind will drift over to that problem I put down on my Notes app. When I’m walking, I find my mind just randomly goes someplace other than where I am walking, and in this state, I begin to see solutions to problems I am having.
Stay Focused
Too often, we expend our energy on issues that have nothing to do with what we want in our lives. It’s like being in a car race and constantly looking at the side mirror to see if the other car is catching up rather than focusing on what’s going on in front of you.
Having a vision of what you want to achieve in life is necessary if you ever want to arrive somewhere. Stay focused on the goals you have set for yourself.
It starts by getting out the door
Athletes, even professionals say the toughest part of their workout is just getting out the door. When you create a “Get out the door” routine you’ll be one step closer (no pun intended) in maximizing your creative walking time.
Join my email list and get my bonus “Get Out the Door” booklet.
“Yes, your transformation will be hard. Yes, you will feel frightened, messed up and knocked down. Yes, you’ll want to stop. Yes, it’s the best work you’ll ever do.”- Robin Sharma
Ask yourself: “where will you be one year from now?”
Do you have an answer?
Are you on the right path?
Every day is a new opportunity to begin anew.
In my book Walking Inspiration, the first quote in this book’s introduction is: “A year from now you’ll wish you started today.” I hope you do!
“Nothing happens until the pain of remaining the same outweighs the pain of change.” -Arthur Burt
Walking and Creativity - Walking Inspiration Video
If you liked the information in this video, please subscribe and hit the notification bell so you get more of my walking videos in your video feed… and keep watching to the end for the bonus content.
“If every day you practice walking and sitting meditation and generate the energy of mindfulness and concentration and peace, you are a cell in the body of the new Buddha. This is not a dream but is possible today and tomorrow.” Thich Nhat Hanh
Your Next Step
Get out and begin walking today! I can’t explain it other than when I’m out walking, I see the problem differently and the creative ideas and solutions come quickly.
It’s like mystical process. I set the intention and let it go. Most times the solution comes to me near the very end of my walk.
Get inspired while you get in shape!
Walk on,